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Do Your Homework Before Purchasing Propane Gas Fire Pit Tables

Do Your Homework Before Purchasing Propane Gas Fire Pit Tables

Posted by The Fire Pit Store on 19th Nov 2012

Outdoor fireplaces and gas fire pits are becoming the rage and the one thing that you need to add to your backyard to make it complete.  If you are the kind that likes to entertain guests and friends outdoors, there is no better way than sitting or standing around a fire pit or fire table.  The most popular niche these days seems to be the propane fire pit or table.  You can blend their style with your existing outdoor patio furniture and complete your whole backyard area.  If you are in the market for a propane fire pit, here are some suggestions to help you make your decision.  

You will find some of the larger retail outlets selling propane gas fire pit tables, but they are usually overpriced with a slim variety of choices.  They are usually on the cheaper, or off-market brands as well.  If you are looking to find the best deal as well as save on sales tax and find a wider selection to match your current patio decor, you will want to look online.  

Do Your Homework

Look at your current patio setup before you shop.  Does your current layout have a more rounded or a more squarish rectangle feel going for it?  If your setup is more fluid and circular, you will want to go with a round or oval fire pit table.  The other side of the coin is if you have a more rectangle or your area has a more hard-line approach to it, you should go with a square or rectangle table.  Take your time and measure twice and buy once.  You should have dimensions roughed out, including the space your guests need to enter and exit the table.  

Getting It Set Up

After you place your order and your gas fire pit table has arrived, it is time to assemble it.  It shouldn't take more than an hour to get most models up and running and it only requires some basic tools to put it together.  Be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer's safety requirements and don't cut corners when it comes to safety with these units.  If you use these tips, you will purchase the best fire pit table for your outdoor space and be able to share the ambiance that only fire pit tables can bring.